Root Canal Surgery

Boutique Endodontics is a staff is comprised of extensively trained clinicians that are committed to providing the best possible treatment plan that will save your teeth and get you back to feeling comfortable. Dr. Salimnia is a highly accomplished Endodontist and specializes in Apicoectomy Treatment.


An Apicoectomy is a Root Canal Surgery that is performed if a normal Root Canal Treatment is not enough to heal and save the tooth. The purpose of an Apicoectomy is to removed damaged tissue and the end of the root tip of your affected tooth. During an Apicoectomy, Dr. Salimnia will make an incision in the gum tissue to expose the bone and surrounding tissue that is inflamed. The damaged tissue is then removed along with the end of the root tip. Next, Dr. Salimnia will place a root-end filling to prevent reinfection of the root. Once the gum is sutured, the bone will naturally heal around the root. Over a period of a few months, your tooth should restore to full function.


Typically, a root canal treatment is all that is needed to save a tooth with injured pulp, rather than having said tooth extracted. When a normal root canal treatment is not enough to heal the affected tooth, Dr. Salimnia may recommend surgery (apicoectomy). In many cases, a Root Canal Surgery can also be helpful in locating tooth fractures or hidden canals that aren't seen on x-rays but still cause pain in the tooth. An Apicoectomy can also treat root surfaces and surrounding bone that is damaged.


Boutique Endodontics puts patient comfort and care at the top of our priority list, we look forward to meeting you and offering you the treatment you deserve.

Call us at (949) 490-7222

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